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About Me

I am an adept problem solver and strategic thinker with extensive experience in a wide variety of business applications and enterprise-side solutions. My success centers on my abilities to dissect and understand the business drivers before proposing a solution for meeting project objectives within a known timeline. A quick learner, I assimilate new concepts rapidly and adapt that line of thinking throughout the evolution of a product.

Naturally gravitating towards leadership positions, my teams know me as even tempered and friendly, while maintaining individual and team accountabilities. I am typically the person that people come to when they have hit a brick wall.

Technically astute, I understand the fundamentals of languages. I have written numerous high level compilers and consequently understand trade-offs when it comes to performance optimizations vs clarity, or other design criteria. I am an active participant within the Rust community while still maintaining/developing my skills in other contemporary languages.


  • rust-decimal - a decimal number implementation for Rust
  • pg_parse - PostgreSQL parser for Rust that uses the actual PostgreSQL server source to parse SQL queries and return the internal PostgreSQL parse tree.
  • psqlpack - a deployment management system for PostgreSQL